Carole Burns candidate statement, and a few more words

We can't merely sit and watch this election - we all must be involved. This is why I'm running as a Democrats Abroad delegate, and why I'll be asking these questions if I am chosen as a delegate: How can we best help get Biden elected? 

As a published writer and former journalist, I will also seek to write about this election: about the convention, about campaigning as a ground-level Democrat, about the reasons our country has become so stridently divded; and about why this election is so important. 

My candidate statement (with a few missing words added!) is below. My author Website, where you can learn more about me, is

Thanks all! Carole

Name: Carole Burns
Country: United Kingdom
Gender / Pronouns: Female
Candidate for:
At-Large National Convention Delegate - EMEA
At-Large National Convention Delegate - Global
Affirmative Action Attributes:
Candidate statement:
As a university lecturer, a former journalist at, a freelance journalist and a fiction writer who deals with racial and social justice in her work, I am committed to working as hard as possible to ensure President Biden is re-elected. We are at a critical junction in the world and in our country, and it is absolutely vital that Republicans are not given power again under their current leader. I would spend my time at the convention learning as much as possible about how we Americans living overseas can work toward Biden winning. The strategies used in the past are not working as effectively as they did as recently as Obama’s campaigns. No one answers phone calls from unknown numbers anymore. How can we help in key swing states? How can we keep abreast of the most effective ways of campaigning? How can we recruit others to help?


Patrick J Soricone said...

I don't see any reference to current engagement in the work of Dems Abroad. Why is that?

Carole Burns said...

I am a new member. My only involvement so far has been as the feature author for the Democrats Abroad Book Club, which benefitted me as much as any members.

I have been involved in the Labour Party in Wales, and have campaigned -- door knocking and leafletting most -- for MP Kevin Brennan in Cardiff. It's going to be a busy and exciting June and hopefully a glorious July 4.

I've written about that here, for Scoundrel Time: "Listening in a Post-Brexit World" -

And here: A New UK Citizen Canvasses for the Labour Party: